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Crystals for Capricorn (december 22nd - january 19th)
Crystals for Capricorn (december 22nd - january 19th)

Crystals for Capricorn (december 22nd - january 19th)

Crystals are traditionally associated with all twelve signs of the zodiac. Which star sign is associated with which crystal is determined on the one hand by the month of birth and on the other hand by which planets the given sign is related to.
Pebbles, KOCHI in a small bag:
From ancient times, crystal healers, carrying a separate selection of the right, just needed stones, carried the minerals in small bags. You can also take your KOCHI bag with you during your travels or to your office, or you can put it next to your bed on the little table or just under your pillow. As it falls.

Mantra: My minerals bring positive energy and blessings to my life!
How can crystals help?

LABRADORIT: It has a good effect on eye and brain disorders, relieves stress, regulates metabolism. Strengthens consciousness, labradorite is a protective stone!

MOUNTAIN CRYSTAL: One of the 12 master crystals, one of our strongest and most important minerals.
It stimulates the immune system and balances the body. The most effective healing and energy-boosting crystal on Earth. The effect of the rock crystal is extremely versatile, master-healing. It improves memory, reduces the symptoms of depression, calms the nerves, makes the wearer balanced. It strengthens the immune system, balances the body. It has a general analgesic, detoxifying effect, stimulates metabolism, regulates hormone balance and blood sugar levels. It cleanses, energizes the entire body and removes blocks in the flow of energy. Rhinestone is one of the best meditation minerals, enhances extrasensory abilities and tunes us to our spiritual goals. It strengthens the effect of other minerals, so it can be used or worn with any mineral.

MALACHIT: One of the strongest and most mystical stones. In every culture, she was dedicated to some kind of goddess and was considered a stone of heaven. According to the Egyptians, it brings good luck and harmony to the owner in both life and relationships.

It has an effective effect on seizures, vibrates with the female genitals and has a good effect on sexual disorders. It lowers blood pressure, cures asthma. It cleanses electromagnetic dirt and heals the earth’s energies.

ONYX: We’ve known it since the Middle Ages and in fact. Onyx, mostly strengthens self-awareness, common sense, and logic, can be of great help to unstable people as it balances the flow of energy in the body. Strong protective mineral, keeps negative entities away. Enhances vitality, endurance and provides support in stressful situations. With its help, we can bring to the surface the old pains that can be eliminated with crystal therapy applied to the physical body. Onyx strengthens teeth, bones and has a beneficial effect on bone marrow Onyx gives strength. It brings balance to our lives.

SMOKE QUARTZ: One of our strongest grounding minerals. In the old days, soldiers also took a quartz of smoke with them to war because they believed it would protect them from misfortune. It dampens fear! It cures depression, relieves tension, stress, provides protection against negative energies and increases masculinity. Its beneficial effect mainly extends to the abdomen and legs. It relieves pain, has an antispasmodic effect, strengthens the nervous system and the back. It blocks geopathic stress, absorbs electromagnetic smog and fills the space with positive energy. It can also be used against sleep disorders by placing it under our pillow.
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