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Crystal for TAURUS. ( april 20 - may 20 )
Crystal for TAURUS. ( april 20 - may 20 )

Crystal for TAURUS. ( april 20 - may 20 )

Crystals are traditionally associated with all twelve signs of the zodiac. Which star sign is associated with which crystal is determined on the one hand by the month of birth and on the other hand by which planets the given sign is related to.
Pebbles, KOCHI in a small bag:
From ancient times, crystal healers, carrying a separate selection of the right, just needed stones, carried the minerals in small bags. You can also take your KOCHI bag with you on your travels or to your office, or you can put it next to your bed on the little table or just under your pillow. As it falls.

Mantra: My minerals bring positive energy and blessings to my life!
How can my crystals help me?

MALACHIT: One of the strongest and most mystical stones. In every culture, she was dedicated to some kind of goddess and was considered a stone of heaven. It is also called midwife, the primary mineral for women because it has a birth control effect and resolves menstrual complaints.

CITRIN: Gives warmth and energy, protects the environment from negative energies. It is one of the stones that brings wealth, it attracts success. Excellent for overcoming depression, fears and phobias. It has a very beneficial effect against fatigue. It strengthens the nerves, balances hormones.

ROSE QUARTZ: Rose quartz strengthens the heart and circulatory system, the body
removes contaminants from liquids. It heals the kidneys and adrenal glands, relieves dizziness. Increase fertility.

TIGER EYE: One of the 12 master crystals. It helps us to get on the right path, we can choose the ideal one from the options!
It has a beneficial effect on the eyes and improves vision in the dark. It heals the throat and genitals and dissolves stenoses. It is also useful in repairing broken bones.

AGATE: Already in ancient times it was highly regarded as a lucky and protective stone. Strong earthing mineral.
Accelerates recovery. Strengthens the immune system. It eliminates the stress caused by the imbalance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It refreshes the soul and enables us to see beauty in everything.
It stabilizes the aura, absorbs and converts negative energies. Its cleansing effect is strong on a physical and emotional level. It helps to heal the eyes, stomach and genitals, cures skin diseases.CITRIN: Gives warmth and energy, protects the environment from negative energies. It is one of the stones that brings wealth, it attracts success. Excellent for overcoming depression, fears and phobias. It has a very beneficial effect against fatigue. It strengthens the nerves, balances hormones.
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