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Crystals for PISCES (february 19th - march 20th )
Crystals for PISCES (february 19th - march 20th )

Crystals for PISCES (february 19th - march 20th )

Crystals are traditionally associated with all twelve signs of the zodiac. Which star sign is associated with which crystal is determined on the one hand by the month of birth and on the other hand by which planets the given sign is related to.
Pebbles, KOCHI in a small bag:
From ancient times, crystal healers, carrying a separate selection of the right, just needed stones, carried the minerals in small bags. You can also take your KOCHI bag with you during your travels or to your office, or you can put it next to your bed on the little table or just under your pillow. As it falls.

Mantra: My minerals bring positive energy and blessings to my life!
How can crystals help?

JADE: Already used by our ancestors, in the Far East it was worn as a lucky amulet.
It has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, adrenal glands, removes toxins. Jade is a symbol of purity and serenity, Jade is also a stone of dream.

ROSE QUARTZ: Strengthens the heart and circulatory system, removes contaminants from body fluids. It heals the kidneys and adrenal glands, relieves dizziness. Increase fertility. A stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. Rose quartz teaches us how to love ourselves, which is vital if we haven’t considered ourselves lovable before. The stone of love. It attracts love and relationships to us so effectively that an amethyst can often be needed to slow down accelerated events a bit.LABRADROIT: It has a good effect on eye and brain disorders, relieves stress, regulates metabolism. Strengthens consciousness, protective stone!

MOONSTONE: Helps the digestive and reproductive organs, the absorption of nutrients. Reduces toxins and fluid retention. Excellent for premenstrual symptoms, conception, childbirth and breastfeeding. Elixir has traditionally been used against insomnia, and stone to prevent lunar disease.
The stone of a new beginning!

SODALITE: One of the 12 master crystals. It is often called the stone of self-confidence. It gives us the opportunity to get to know ourselves, it accelerates our development, but most of all, it increases our self-esteem and encourages us to always state what we think. It eliminates guilt, helps us take on our actions, and makes us feel freer. It encourages us to break away from established rules and laws and live the way we deserve it, and it also provides perseverance so that we can stand up for our new view. It has also long been used to improve vision as it has a beneficial effect on eye inflammation and retina. On the other hand, it has a good effect on the throat and its problems, thus healing complaints of the larynx and vocal cords.
Aquamarine: The Stone of Courage. It has a general refreshing effect. It solves blocks that make communication difficult, improves self-expression.
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