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Rose Quartz Pointer
Rose Quartz Pointer

Rose Quartz Pointer

Rose Quartz Pointer
Rose Quartz Pointer
Boost your love life by putting a Rose Quartz Pointer in your home.

Rose Quartz is considered the stone of unconditional love.

It helps encourage empathy towards oneself, and others. It can also be used in meditation practices on forgiveness, both towards ourselves, and those who may have wronged us.

This stone fosters an environment of love, compassion and understanding helping us to develop the strength and courage to move through even difficult emotional territories.

Giving and receiving rose quartz as a gift is a beautiful gesture of love, kindness and empathy, powerfully transmitting ones intentions through this calming quartz crystal.

Crystal points purify, cleanse, and clear the energy of a room. Your crystal will absorb all the negativity and unwanted energy, leaving the environment lighter and uplifted.

The most powerful tool to use for setting intentions and manifesting them into the universe are crystal points.

Meditating with a crystal point in your hands or placed in front of you will guide you to a clearer mind; letting go of of clutter, stress and anxiety.

You’ve probably heard about chakras, the seven wheels of energy in the body that start at the crown of your head, and travel down the body to the base of your spine. When spinning properly, each chakra allows Qi energy to flow through the body. If these wheels of energy become blocked by stress, anxiety or emotional upheaval, your well-being can suffer. The fourth chakra, called anahata, is located at the heart. If it becomes gummed up or blocked, you may find it hard to develop and keep healthy relationships
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