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KOCHI - Bracelets of Happiness
KOCHI - Bracelets of Happiness

KOCHI - Bracelets of Happiness

KOCHI - Bracelets of Happiness
KOCHI - Bracelets of Happiness
KOCHI - Bracelets of Happiness
KOCHI - Bracelets of Happiness
KOCHI - Bracelets of Happiness
KOCHI - Bracelets of Happiness
KOCHI - Bracelets of Happiness
KOCHI - Bracelets of Happiness

The Happiness bracelet set is made up of 3 separate bracelets attached to a fishing line to be good for everyone!

Turquoise, Rhodonite, Howlite and Tiger Eye crystals and colorful tassels make the whole picture fun!
On all three bracelets, the symbol of the sun strengthens the positive side of LIFE!

Mantra: I am happy! :)

How can the minerals in this bracelet help me?

TIGER EYE: One of the 12 master crystals. In nature, it is formed from the hawk's eye during transformation, so its healing effect is partly the same as that of the hawk's eye. It cures eye diseases and has long been used against degeneration. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, neuritis, stimulates brain function, increases the ability to concentrate and helps to make difficult decisions. It can also help with schizophrenia and epilepsy. It increases strength, courage, makes the owner optimistic, eliminates self-esteem disorders. It improves skeletal disorders, is an effective analgesic and eliminates adrenal hyperfunction. It balances your yin and yang energies, eliminating the symptoms of depression.RHODONITE: Reddish-pink with its base color and forms a perfect color combination. It can give us strength to change the course of our lives. We can draw joy and confidence from the energy of the stone. You can gain more openness and confidence with your help. It can evoke compassion and forgiveness. With rhodonite, you can more easily get through difficult times and make peace in your relationships.

RHODONIT: Balances emotionally, nourishes the love and camaraderie we feel for our fellow human beings. You have the ability to show the two sides of everything. It stimulates, cleanses and makes the heart and heart chakra effective. It earths energies, balances yin and yang. It is believed to strengthen mantra-based meditation and align the soul much more tightly with vibration. It energizes the soul.
It can be extremely beneficial against emotional self-destruction in the case of addiction. An important trait is that it facilitates forgiveness by stopping the projection: that is, blaming our partner for things that are actually within us. Rhodonite is useful for reversing insults and preventing revenge. It helps to recognize that retaliation is self-destructive; and in dangerous or disturbing situations, it allows peace of mind to be maintained. It balances and combines physical and mental energies. It gives confidence and soothes headlessness.

HOWLIT: Also known as the Magnesite mineral, it was discovered in the 18th century. Thanks to its magnesium content, it relieves crampy headaches and soothes the body. It teaches patience and helps eliminate anger and uncontrollable anger!
It has a fat-burning effect as it speeds up the metabolism of fat in the body, so it can be an indispensable help for dieters. It helps in the absorption of magnesium, balances the level of calcium in the body and can also be used in case of malaise. Relieves insomnia! It detoxifies the body and neutralizes body odor. It cures diseases of the bones and teeth. It has a muscle relaxant effect, helps the stomach function, inhibits blood clotting, makes the blood vessel walls flexible, prevents atherosclerosis and dilates the coronary arteries. It has a beneficial effect on gallstones and also cures prostate problems. The color of Magnesite is white, but you can also find blue (turquoise), green or red colored howlite.

TURQUOISE: It got its name from Turkey since it was first discovered there. He became famous as an amulet of the Crusaders, but in many cultures he was attributed a protective effect against harmful curses and depravities. One of our strongest healing minerals, it regenerates tissues, strengthens the immune system, supports the absorption of nutrients. It encourages us to always state what we think and makes us realize that we are the only ones responsible for our destiny. It calms the nerves, but at the same time recharges the body with energy. It cures throat problems, larynx, thyroid and improves communication. It protects against viral diseases, reduces arthritis, neutralizes hyperacidity, relieves rheumatism and stomach complaints. It stimulates muscle development, enhances brain function, increases creativity. It has an analgesic, detoxifying effect and protects the whole body.

Size: Flexible: 16 - 19 cm

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Throughout our history, the symbol of the sun has been found in every culture. Most people attribute cosmic power to it, not surprisingly, it is featured in countless works of art and writings. It symbolizes consciousness, intellect, and universal intelligence. The symbol of the sun symbolizes wholeness, enlightenment.
The tiny round pendant on KÓCHI jewelry symbolizes the sun, thus giving strength to everyday life.
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